Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm Baaaaack!

Wit and Sass is back in action. This godforsaken job at the Alumni office in which all I do is look up ID numbers on a really slow computer and occasionally answer the phone has brought me back. Tonight is "Thanksgiving Dinner" at the commons aka the best night ever. I have to go with my Africa class though so boooo. After that I get to spend a bajillion hours in the library studying for Spanish and biology. I really need a life. The second I get some free time I'm doing the Dancing with the Stars work out video.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oh No Mono!

So the reason (cough, excuse) I have not been updating is because I am stricken with mono. My free time (what is that?) has been taken up by sleeping. I'm going to bed now, I will share all the secrets of my oh-so exciting life soon.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This blog is a daily reminder that there is nothing in my life.

I have no exciting news to report. My tonsils are killing me which they like to do every so often. I would very much like to throw a party asap. I may leave my internship and job early to babysit in Martha's Vineyard for two weeks...if I get the job after my interview. I'm half way through Gossip Girl #5. I lost one of my paychecks. The end.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lunchables for "grown ups"

Remember those nauseating/awesome Lunchables from 4th grade? Most days for lunch I've been bringing a South Beach Diet lunchableish package. I like them a lot! Today I have a walnut cranberry chicken salad with pita chips. Another food I've also discovered is the minute maid limeade ice pops. Yummy!

brr it's cold in here...huddle for warmth

I recently became obsessed with the old school Natalie Imbruglia song Torn and came across this one by her too, called Shiver. ->http://youtube.com/watch?v=FxdGj817u4A

Also, I love this Maria Mena song called Just Hold Me. ->http://youtube.com/watch?v=02_NLgATkv0

I swear I'm not as depressed as these songs make me out to be.

always in our prayers...too bad we're sinners and no one listens

poor Lindsay. I would have given her a ride.

life is like a box of chocolates

I oficially suck at keeping up with this. So my past weekend went as follows:

Friday: salt creek for some filet mignon mmmmm....
Saturday: gym (first time in forever yay!), tanning (burning), sushi, party...ps. don't try dip
Sunday: beach
Monday: 3 hour nap and margaritas, tragic Domican Republic vacation flight price hike resulting in postponing the trip indefinatley

Friday, July 20, 2007


sorry I haven't posted anythink in a while. I've been quite busy. With what you ask? Well for one I attempted to give up/reduce my coffee intake. That mission has since been aborted. I had a little tiff concerning a lack of brakes while driving. Everything is in order and I will have the car back today. Lastly, I found an incredible deal on a vacation to the Domican Republic and will be taking a glorious long weekend there in October. Wahooooo! More updates after some more coffee.

Monday, July 16, 2007

in order to perfect my fake british accent...

Major. Enough said.

weekends are not for sleeping

This past weekend:

Watched Spice World
Painted my nails icky beige (will re=paint Barbie pink immediatley)
Fell in love with mozzarella tomato salads
Got pulled over for the first time (no ticket, of course)
Went to bed on a Saturday night before my mom even got home (very lame, very good party opportunity missed)
Missed out on Arturo Gatti fight in AC including drinking with him afterwards
Coronas and chimichangas at Juanito's
Dispatch concert!

shoe sales can be hazardous to one's health

Just got these in brown. I'm completely obsessed with the giant button.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I want to marry James Patterson for his bedtime stories.

I truly believe James Patterson books will save me from going crazy with boredom. I love each and everyone that I've read and there are still dozens more that I've yet to discover. They're tasteful looking so you can carry them in public but still delightfully trashy and raunchy (just like me). I aspire to be the woman in Honeymoon...or maybe not. Set aside several hours to read it because if you're like me you won't want to put it down.

Insert cheesy Go-Go's lyrics here

I'm thinking it's about time for a vacation. I may just be brave (crazy) enough to spend a few days sailing with my grandparents, mom, possible aunts/uncles/cousins down the Chesapeake to Baltimore which is one of my favorite cities. It's just so darn cute.
Then again I could always pretend I'm going to go and stay behind and party at my house for days while my mom is gone. But that might result in some damages requiring a construction crew ...again.

One woman's trash is another woman's designer makeup bag

If the mean people who work at the consignment store actually let me, I'm going to attempt to drop off some clothes to be sold today. The reason they might not let me is because they only take in clothes Tuesday-Thursday 10-3. Good thing the earliest I've ever gotten home from work is 2:59. They also inspect every single piece of clothing with such precision. Of course, they missed the tear at the seam of the top I bought from them. Anyway, if you want to buy my old clothes you can do so at The Attic. I've even gotten a few cute things there myself like my Deisel jeans, Lilly Pulitzer skirt, and Fendi makeup bag. However, if wearing other people's old clothes skeeves you out you're shit out of luck. Luckily, there is nothing too gross for me.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

IMPORTANT: This may be my home one day!

What color Saab convertible do I want when I fiiiiiiiiinally get it next summer? Is a red convertible too ditsy with my blonde locks? The pale green is nice and so is the silver. Decisions, decisions.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

when iced is hot

Iced coffee makes the world go round.

It's not the Spice Girls but it's a damn good reunion at that

Dispatch reunion concert this weekend!!! I plan on getting seriously liquored up while dining on Mexican cuisine, hopping the train to the city and Dispatching the night away. I saw their "Last Dispatch" concert at the Hatch shell in Boston a few years ago and it was wicked fun. I promise I will only say wicked when referring to Bostonian things.

http://www.dispatchmusic.com/dispatch.html for those of you who are clueless.

Dress Codes Can Kiss My Ass (which everyone can clearly see)

So after a little mishap with a long seersucker dress worn with a cardigan covering the halter top (read:forbidden) area, in which unbeknown to me my golden bronzed skin (pale and pasty...what?) contrasted so much with my stark white thong that my undergarments were quite obvious, I decided to compile internship appropriate outfits. Wow that was a long sentence. Anyway, after sorting through mine and my mother's entire (clean...which seriously depleted the contents) wardrobes I was able to come up with 4 work appropriate outfits that weren't absolutely grotesque. 4. 4. Good god, I'm going to look frumpy from next week on.

Monday, July 9, 2007

To Do List:

Thing I must (but probably won't) complete:

Clean my room/do laundry so I can stop wearing dirty clothes
Unpack my things from school (it's only been 2 months)
Decorate my cubicle
Read more Gossip Girl
Hair cut!
Get off my lazy ass and run everyday like I said I would
Learn how to cook things other than hot dogs and veggie burgers
Sew on all my missing buttons
Improve my online scrabble club score
Get new makeup

Any and all assistance in this mission is greatly appreciated.

the 21st century princess

Gossip Girl: The life I wish I led.
The book series is to die for, if you are 5 years behind me.
The TV series starts this fall. So much for studying.

drinks, shoes, and puzzles...my life in a nutshell

This past weekend=

Pomegranate Martinis
Nine West black silk ballet flats with a bow and diamond clusters

Sudoku (while at a party...)

Somewhat uneventful but still successful.

Friday, July 6, 2007

In case I ever have a day off

http://eventcrazy.com/ is positively spectacular.

Because plain paper just doesn't cut it

I may only stick with it for 3 days before I forget but for now, I love it. My food log:

Money can't buy happiness but it can buy dresses!

Just bought these three from none other than Old Navy.

BAC: Bad Hair: Good

I absolutley LOVE Lindsay's hair here. I'm going to attempt to recreate it without looking like a Swiss milk maid.

SEX! and the City

Watching an entire movie is a struggle for me. Watching an entire season of Sex and the City is not. Here to cure my problem comes the long awaited Sex and the City movie! There is a God.

If you don't believe me just see the always reliable Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,288165,00.html

Eyeshadow is to eyelids as curtains are to dorm closets

The Spice Girls are feeling a little lonely so I figure several more posts today covering all the aspects of my life can't hurt. In the fall I'll be moving back into the dorms. The rectangular hole cut into the wall also known as a closet is lacking a door. I'd like to add a touch of class and refinement with a curtain over the opening to this shallow cave. I'd love the white eyelet over either the blue or green from Anthropologie*. However, the solid sheer ones are a bit more in my price range. What do you think?

First things first...

My very first entry must be dedicated entirely to the single most important event of my lifetime : Spice Girls Reunion! Go to http://www.thespicegirls.com/en/index_us.html to register for your tickets and pencil in the New York concert into your embossed pink leather planner. Rain or shine, I'll be there!